We are still obsessed with the happiness of the past Christmasy month while keeping busy as usual. New drinks for the upcoming season are out now. Tradition of Chinese New Year goes to having lucky food for a lucky year. How about an Orange Zest Mocha, whose citrusy flavor freshens up your dominating taste buds? Or Gold Flake Matcha, symbolizing good wealth?
New ideas are about to put into reality. Our favorite local young artist Evan is now finalizing Air67, a project to promote the flying spirit with visual designs and installations. Our photographer William has already sent back the posters for the project. We can’t wait longer to unroll the international collaboration to you.
We are to take a short break for the holiday. Our store will close from 24th to 26th. Come meet us from 27th onward. Good coffee and wonderful smiles are always guaranteed.
Again, we need to express our greatest gratitude to all of you who keep supporting us during the past year. We wish you an amazing Chinese New Year.