The greatest migration on this planet happens once a year in China as Chinese New Year approaches. Appreciation of community hugs the heart tightly, and going back to one’s hometown, TuanYuan in Chinese, is a rite not so easily swayed by other responsibilities.
Rituals connect people. Culture stiches its thread down through generation after generation, influencing more and more people. The Chinese believe in lucky food. Oranges are a must, not just because of the resemblance to the Chinese pronunciation of ‘luck’, but also because they shine golden. A traditional festive table is occupied with an abundance of meat, in which the hope of wealth ensues. The colour palette is iconic. As festive vibes reach their peak, the streets are inundated with various shades of red from lanterns, flags and fashion. Another tradition involves lucky sayings. Gong Hey Fat Choi, which literally means happy new year, and may you have a prosperous one, echoes through the air, reaching everyone you encounter.
We enliven the Chinese New Year traditions at Lock Chuck. Let us reveal our annual spring campaign. We have invited our favourite local artist Evan to be our visual director once more, designing a cute emblem that combines our lucky number 67 and the image of a pig, representing the upcoming Chinese year.
Drink trendy, drink lucky. Our orange mocha, one of the most festive seasonal special drinks, is back on the menu. The enhanced citrus flavour yields from both our classic espresso and orange zest to announce the start of the new year. Our friends at Fukujuen, one of the most historic teahouses in Kyoto, have blended a special matcha for us, with dotted sprinkles of gold foils. Each cup brings the greatest luck.
Our friendly baristas are, as usual, here to greet you with wonderful smiles. We will close our shop for 3 days (4th – 6th February), but normal service will resume on 7th. Bring your loved ones to Lock Chuck and let our smiles and coffee bring you your luckiest year yet.
Happy Chinese New Year.

在LOCK CHUCK,春节的传统焕发新意。新年的装扮现已登场。我们再次邀请了最喜爱的本地年轻艺术家Evan担当视觉创意总监。他把我们的幸运号码67变成一只可爱的小猪,粉嘟嘟的配色洋溢着甜蜜,播撒春天的气氛。
一如既往地,我们友好的咖啡师在节日期间用棒棒的微笑向你致意。从4号-6号(大年三十至大年初二),我们将关闭三天,从7号(大年初三)开始,你就能够在阳光下,微笑中,和你的家人朋友相聚于LOCK CHUCK。让一杯好的咖啡和棒棒的微笑开启你最幸运的一年。