Even the quickest visit to Tokyo can prove just how dynamic the city is. It is a world that constantly changes, down to the most minute of details. Take your favourite shops, for instance. Some will close for a short period of time, every few months or so, for incomparable renovations. They continue to be our tutors, teaching us that there is no time to rest on our laurels, to delay no more.
New York also schools us in this way. Recalling our very first time riding the metro, the question ‘What’s Next?’ was sprawled all over the posters hung in each crowded carriage. MTA, the New York Metro operator, consistently prints the slogan ‘improving, non-stop’ at the bottom of their billboards whenever any work is being completed on the lines. Sometimes, the simplest of words can be the most influential.
Glancing back to the path we have travelled, we have also made many improvements. From coffee-brewing techniques, to an air conditioning system; ice-making machines to elegant floral arrangements, we are reminded that there is always some room for us to push forward. ‘What’s next?’ some curious guests might ask. Our reply? Come and visit us soon. We have just installed a new bar area to our shop, designed not only to shorten the distance between you and us, but to also make our space look sharper.
Appearances change. Spirit endures. Still one of the most chic and friendly coffee shops in town, we strive to make your next sip of coffee memorable.

哪怕是短短的一次造访,东京也会让你知道他是多么的活力四射。这座城市每一分每一秒都在改变,在每一个小到不能更小的细节中。比如说,你喜欢的商店。每隔几个月,它一定会短暂关闭一段时间,用于新形象改装。这座城市就是我们的老师,教导我们不要满足现有的荣耀,delay no more。
回看我们走过的里程,进步也从未止步。从咖啡制作技术到空气循环系统,从制冰设备到鲜花绿植布置,我们时刻记得老师们的教导,永远不要满足现在,时刻推动新的改变。如果你足够好奇,提问“下一步是什么?”我们的回答?现在就来LOCK CHUCK探访。全新设计的吧台刚揭开面纱投入使用。你我之间的距离更亲密,室内空间更简洁更锐利。