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In love, we believe

The weather keeps cooling down while the festivity keeps heating up. Yes, here comes our favorite time of the year.

Love permeates around in this season. To some of you, Christmas is the time for your family gatherings, everybody lovingly huddled around the fireplace, opening presents, and drinking hot cocoas. For others, it’s the time to sink your hands in the knee-deep snow and make your own snow angels as you lay flat on the ground, without one single worry in the world. It is, after all, the best time of the year.

Christmas has come to LOCK CHUCK. Let us embrace you with love and blessings. Our iconic bike has grown a pair of antlers, and the Christmas tree is about to be set up (and mind you, finding a legit Christmas tree in China is a big deal). Our seasonal drinks are sweetening the air in town, and most importantly, we the staff are in more joyous mood than ever. So if you think we were nice before, try now!

Just come by and see for yourself how many surprises we have in store for you.
Cue the Christmas carols, and bring on the sugar rush!



节日的气氛遍布在每一个角落。对于一些人来说,圣诞节意味着全家人团聚在一起,温暖地被壁炉跳动的火苗环抱,拆开被精心包装和准备的惊喜,手捧一杯热巧克力,香味和爱一起蔓延;对于一些人来说,圣诞节意味着把双手沉没在膝盖那么高的厚厚雪堆中,发挥奇思妙想堆出一座座雪人,躺在雪地上,时间和烦扰一起停滞。 你看,场景一幕幕,都刻画出最美的一个季节。

圣诞来到了LOCK CHUCK。让我们用爱和祝福拥抱你。我们标志性的自行车长出了麋鹿的角,圣诞树即将树立(忍不住提醒一下,在中国发现一棵真正的圣诞树真的值得相机一拍再拍),季节限定的饮品甜蜜了城中的空气。最重要的是,店铺的气氛比之前更加欢乐。如果你觉得我们很友好,现在更是超越你的期待。


Posted in Events, Newsletter