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What’s this season’s theme?

In a dynamic fashion world that continues to change constantly, people get comfortable with novelties. As the quotation goes, ‘what looks good today may not look good tomorrow.’ There is, however, that staple classic that undergoes the test of time. You only need to turn your eyes to some of the biggest: Maison Kitsuné of Paris, or Beams from Tokyo, and you will appreciate that the typical ‘American College style’ is, once again, back on the fashion stage for this coming season.

Time passes, but our respect and admiration for the fundamental never tarnishes. Through the numerous triumphs we hold dear to ourselves, our school days seem to be where such distinctive memories originate. After all, there is very little time in our life when you would be that energetic, optimistic, athletic and romantic.

Glancing back, we can easily recall our first visit to renowned universities that only exist in our dreams: Harvard, MIT, UC Berkeley, and Stanford. It is not just the towering marble columns and grand, extensive lawns that remain at the forefront of our memory, but also the spirit of knowledge that permeated every corner of such empowering spaces.

During this Back-to-School season, we pay homage to the great American Colleges. Our shop has been rejuvenated; school-style flags and shields add college traditions to our chic interior. More single origins have been added to our menu, whilst we have unveiled our new Fig Toast to celebrate the season. Now is the best time to remind ourselves to be a student eternally. There’s never too much to learn. Delay no more, improve, and go beyond. Let’s be students together.

在潮流统治的世界,我们都已习惯一天天数百次新鲜的事。一句影响我们至深的名言也说道”今天看起来仍旧好看的东西,明天可能就不再吸引。”即便如此,仍旧有一些经典能够经历岁月洗礼,百世流芳。比如’美式高校风格’,在这一季,又被来自巴黎的Maison Kitsuné或者日本的Beams等潮流巨擘们带回闪耀的时尚舞台。




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